Let us do the legal clearance work for you free of charge.
We can help you find the best, legally-available brand for your new product or business through our free trademark search service.
We strongly recommend that, before you invent and use a new business or product name, we do a trademark search for you to check on its legal availability.
Otherwise you may find the name you choose is not legally available.
A professional trademark search can save you a fortune in wasted advertising, design and printing costs and, of course, will help you avoid potential legal liability for using someone elses registered trademark by mistake.
Do not risk using a brand before you know it is legally safe.
(IMPORTANT: All our trademark searches are carried out by our own staff who specialise in trademark registration and the protection of trademarks and brands. The search results are closely reviewed by fully-qualified solicitors and registered trade mark attorneys who are able to exercise the necessary professional judgement to ensure that you receive the best possible trademark advice. This is not something that should be entrusted to an automatic computer search programme that cannot undertake the detailed legal analysis necessary to ensure that you get best advice)
This service is completely free of charge.